What Does It Take?

According to interim CCNY past president, Robert Paaswell, tuition at CCNY for 2010 has increased to $4,600. When books and fees are factored in, the cost goes to over $5,000. While modest compared to other colleges, this cost can be a major obstacle to many of our bright students, most of whom who come from poor or large families. 

The Southern Nevada Chapter raises funds to help one of these students every year. The Alumni Association selects a student to receive our scholarship every year. 

When we help gift an education for one student for a year, we are elated that we helped keep a bright and deserving student at CCNY. However, we are also saddened because there were so many others whom we cannot help.

Some of the gifts come from private donors. Other gifts come from regional Alumni Associations like our Southern Nevada Chapter, which holds fund-raising events.

Please be as generous as you can. If you want to do more, please join us by serving on our committees, or by serving on our Board of Directors. For more information, please contact our chapter president, Mr. Donald Nitti, at (702) 228-8812 or send e-mail to president.ccnysn@xadar.com.