Spring Fling in Las Vegas

   Among the notables who came to Las Vegas as part of the annual Spring Fling April 3-6, 2005  were: CCNY President Gregory Williams (accompanied by his wife and son); CCNY Alumni Association Executive Vice President, Don Jordan, Administrative Manager, Mr. Thomas D'Andrea, and many important CCNY staff. They were met and escorted by some of our Southern Nevada Chapter members, including President Arlette Williams, and Domenick and Rosemary Fugarino, who set up and coordinated the Banquet, the Jubilee! show following, and many of the excursions.
   The Banquet on Monday was the definitive keynote event where Chapter members were able to meet and talk with our guests from New York and elsewhere. We were addressed by Dr. Gregory Williams and Mr. Don Jordan. We were told how the college has evolved and changed, what the current challenges are, construction of a new science building, and how CCNY will evolve in the future. Southern Nevada President, Arlette Williams, and Banquet coordinators, Domenick and Rosemary Fugarino, performed superbly as MCs and hosts.
   Chapter members escorted friends and guests on tours to Hoover Dam and the Valley of Fire State Park.
   We all had fun, made new friends, and learned a lot. Also, we are glad to report that we earned a substantial contribution toward our scholarship fund for this year. 
- LB